Monday, October 17, 2005

the red cape

I guess I go from feeling completely overwhelmed and questioning why I'm here to feeling extremely fortunate. There's something about not being able to do all that I want to do that's incredibly frustrating, yet somehow liberating at the same time. I compare it to the feeling of clearing out one's desk: filing away the 20% of papers that are important, and chucking the other 80%. Those things that exist on the margin are the majority of the frustration.

Also, I've been thinking a lot about an idea I call the little red cape. It's not fully formed yet, so I can't really talk about it in definite terms. But it has something to do with viewing a past experience, and recounting it as one where you swoop in wearing a red cape and change everything for the better. It gets more interesting when that same experience is reframed as one where your red cape is not so much draped across your shoulders, but hanging from your fingertips in front of the leadership of an organization. In that way, you end up leading management to rush at problems that aren't necessarily there, then in another direction and another. I dunno how I got to be so cynical. Eh.


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