Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Tuesday: NOT the new Friday

So I've heard more and more that Tuesday is the new Friday. This is supposed to be because we don't have classes on Wednesday.

Of course, I love the idea of this because it means that I can potentially watch both House and Nip/Tuck on the nights that new episodes premier.

The downside is that it just isn't true. I should be working 60 hours a week. That's the median number of hours worked for MBA students. Right now, I'm on the low side of that number when, according to how much I currently know and should be learning, I need to be way on the other side lacking balance and losing sleep. Right now, I'm running at about 50, and I feel like a total slacker. I hope that once I get a feel for what it really takes to be good, that I can do that. I don't want to be "meh," and I don't aspire to being great just yet--right now, I just need to be good.

Btw, it is NOT advisable to stay up and watch House and Nip/Tuck, no matter how appealing it may sound. I don't have cable in my room, and therefore don't have Tivo, either, so I either have to watch it live in the lounge downstairs or wait until the weekend and watch it on ReplayTV back home.


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