Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Was looking for inspiration to chill out about the waiting game, and found it:

I love that movie.

Kellogg interview is scheduled for next Wednesday; Haas interview is confirmed. No word from Yale, but am referencing the above link when I am tempted to fret. Since I've internalized the tips to add to my interview repertoire, and now that the first one is out of the way, interview anxiety is much more manageable. As long as I remember that my theme is "truth: the abridged version," I won't psych myself out. Over the years, I really have gotten the best advice from interviewers where the interview did not go well. So all that failure should help me now!

In other news, in my quest to get a life again outside of work, some progress has been made. The application I put in to be a bingo caller was accepted. Oh yeah, who's got the power now? =) I finished two books, and now I'm working on (rather appropriately, I think) Lederman's The God Particle. If only such a thing existed for MBA admissions, the world would be a much simpler place. Alas, no.


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