Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Still in GMAT purgatory

So I talked to ETS again. My scores have been released from the integrity office, only to be caught up now in the place where they actually score the AWA. There's an unfull batch that I have to wait get full before my scores will be sent out.

I had a BHAG of retaking the test again in early January. Somehow, while seeking inspiration for my Stanford Essay A today, I realized that I musta been crazy to think I would/could/should pull it off.

Not only are Stanford and Kellogg due next week (quite essay intensive), but Yale is due the week after. And my husband is doing his oral defense on 1/5, so that's kind of a day where I have to be there for someone else who has been there through all of the above-mentioned GMAT drama.

I remember being very high after retaking the exam. Not so much a wow I rocked the test high, but more of a thank goodness I'm not really an idiot like the test said the first time relief highness. I had a very clear sense of what I did wrong and got all motivated to correct it. Ha! One of the first rules of econ 001, which I failed the first time I took it, was opportunity cost. I just can't risk investing that sort of time that close to the deadlines. Thank goodness for quiet time to procrastinate for showing me the way.


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