Wednesday, April 13, 2005

working on it, and finally back to working

So I'm still working on my decision, but think I'm pretty close.

The good news is that I'm productive at work again! There was a time when I couldn't focus or get anything done. Now I'm getting things done again, though not at the rate I once did. I think part of the challenge is that my job is still relatively new to me and I'm used to working under more tense, pressure-cooker environments. Basically used to the boss at my shoulder and lots of deadlines as my motivation to accomplish things. So it took some getting used to figuring out my own thing.

Anyhow, will check in about my decision soon. Looks like there is some movement from the financial aid offices, so it should be soon.

Oh, I guess one update is that I declined my Haas offer.


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